Nettles 4
Benefits of Nettles: consumption and applications
The health benefits of nettles : consumption and applications Nettles (Urtica dioica) are a type of herbaceous perennial plant that belong to the family Urticaceae. They are native to many parts of the...
Cheap and eco-friendly ways to prevent slugs and snails
You’ve carefully nurtured your darling seedlings for weeks. You’ve transplanted them into their forever home and they’re looking perky in the sunlight. Life is good. Or so you thought. The next day you...
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Reusing plastic household items in the vegetable garden
Greenhouses, raised beds, pots and  polytunnels. It can all seem a bit pricey for the new gardener, especially if you’re trying to bring your food costs down. While they may look appealing on Instagram,...
Winter Vegetables
The top five vegetables that you should grow this winter
The season for hot chocolates and snuggly jumpers is fast approaching. As we say goodbye to the leaves on the trees, you may feel like your garden is done for the year or that there isn’t any point starting...