about us

Hello! I’m Jess, the Nettle Tea Lady.

I wanted to grow my own food so that I would know where it came from, to reduce my carbon footprint, and to reduce the amount of money I was spending on food. And I also loved the idea of just wandering into the garden and picking a few things for dinner!

Living in the city, I thought that growing my own food beyond a few herbs on the windowsill was out of reach. Long waiting lists for allotments, living in shared houses and rented properties made my dreams seem out of reach.

I looked at large pots, mini-greenhouses and aquaponic systems, and the expenses just seemed to go on and on.

I started repurposing things I already had that would have just been thrown away otherwise, to build my backyard garden that now gives me around 40% of our vegetables, taking about £10 a week off our food bill.

If you have been put off by all the expense and lack of space, or feel intimidated by elaborate Instagram allotments, you are in the right place!

seedling, gardening, greenhouse-5009289.jpg

Our Mission

Our mission is to encourage everyone to grow some of their own food and help to inspire the next generation of renegade gardners.

Our Values

We believe that people should not be outpriced from growing their own food but equipped with the skills and knowledge to provide for themselves.

Whether you are concerned about the environment or looking to reduce your food bill, we can help your garden feed you.

Nettle Tea Lady